Microchip for detection and tracking

Individual identification is the main basis of any activity in the animal husbandry industry, especially animal breeding. Because the success of each breeding program depends on the accurate collection and recording of functional information and then the decision to remove or select livestock based on the indicators desired by thenejader.

Considering the establishment of the national animal identification system in the animal breeding center of the country as a single window of all entities whose individual identification of livestock will be the criterion of their action, issuing directives on the compulsion of livestock identification and deeming livestock without identity as smuggled livestock, the need for access to accurate, safe and inexpensive livestock identification tools is quite tangible. In the meantime, the most accurate microchip tool is based on RFID technology, which has only ever been imported from abroad. And because it’s expensive, it’s only used to identify horses and to some extent pets (dogs and cats).

Nowadays, the necessity of automatic identification of elements and collecting related data without the need for human intervention to enter information in many industrial, scientific, service and social fields is felt. In response to this need, several technologies have been designed and implemented so far. to a set of technologies that are used to identify objects, humans and animals by machine,Automatic identification or Auto ID.  The aim of most automated identification systems is to increase efficiency, reduce information entry errors and free up employees’ time to perform more important tasks such as better customer service. So far, various technologies have been designed and implemented for automatic identification. Bar codes, smart cards, voice recognition, some biometric technologies, optical character recognition and RFID (radio frequency identification) are examples in this field.

The word RFID or Radio Frequency Identification means to be detected via radio waves in which data exchange is transmitted wirelessly and without contact between a reader (reader, reader or tag reader) and a Tag (label, ID or tag) that gives the product, object, card, etc. is connected. RFID technology is one of the relatively new methods of automatic identification and electronic data collection, during which equipment, whether hardware or software, can read and detect data without the involvement of human resources.Barcodes, 2D codes, fingerprinting systems and identification systems using the cornea of the eye and sound are among these solutions. In general, RFID technology uses the following equipment for its own direction: tag or identifier, tag reader, antenna, information management software.

Introducing and describing the application
RFID injectable microchip, also known as Animal RFID. They have different sizes.

According to Article 18 of the Comprehensive Animal Husbandry System Law, “The Ministry of Agriculture is obliged to identify, register and number livestock in order to manage comprehensively, sustainable exploitation, balance the type and number of livestock with food resources, collect information, provide basic and infrastructural services, prevent trafficking and control the movement of livestock.” Individual identification is the main basis of any activity in the animal husbandry industry, especially animal breeding.Because the success of each breeding program depends on the accurate collection and registration of functional information and then the decision to remove or select livestock based on the desired indicators to the breeder. All of these activities will only work correctly if this information is properly attributed to each individual.

Until now, identification was mainly done by earplugs or neck coding pendants. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of being tarnished, illegible, removed and removed from the body of the trap. Also, installing these plaques beautifully for some owners of livestock, pets, horses, etc. It is not acceptable and they resist it.

Using injectable chips, the possibility of fraud, misuse and loss of plaques is denied. It can be used for livestock such as horses, pets and high-quality breeds of livestock in which beauty is a matter of importance. It is not possible to move injectable microchips (especially with arrangements made by The Future Green Microsatellite Company (Rasa) in anti-fraud injection machines) and the rancher cannot be damaged by moving the chip for another livestock when applying for damages.

With injectable microchips, the possibility of connecting livestock to the software system and animal automation will be expressive. In this way, online control of input consumption, animal medical records and medical supervision, animal location measurement, weight diagnosis, body temperature, monitoring the emergence of some diseases, mating time, delivery time, etc. It is provided automatically. 

For more information and price inquiries call +98-21-66489300 or +98-9124253700.